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Community Service

I am currently in my second year of participation in Y-Club. We have done several projects already for the community such as, helping with Operation Christmas Child and collecting coloring books and stuffed animals for children. Some of the projects that we have done for the school include, painting paw prints on the school's driveway and showing our appreciation for the faculty members by leaving sweets and various foods in the teacher's lounge. We have also cleaned out our school's tennis courts. The feeling of giving back to my school and my community is an extraordinary feeling that can only happen if you put yourself to it. 
Bocce ball is a community service event that grades 8-12 participate in at my school. Students serve as officials for a regional bocce ball tournament. This event is sponsored by the NHS of Westwood Schools and by the local rotary club. 
This is a very fun and exciting event to participate in. I get to meet new people and help out the community. I feel like my time is being spent better by helping the communtiy, and that is why I signed up to be an official for the annual bocce ball tournament at my school. The new people I meet are really cool and have a unique way of expressing themselves. 

Bocce Ball


I participated in Bocce Ball my:

9th Grade Year

10th Grade Year

I participated in Y-Club my:

9th Grade Year

10th Grade Year

Bocce Ball is hosted at Westwood Schools with the help of the Mitchell-Baker Service Center. Check out their Facebook page above!

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