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During my time in computer fundamentals and computer science class, we did many projects online. This is including participating in AIC and doing an online presentation for AIC. I also was the project manager for Gamifi-ED and one of the main leaders. I have done several reviews in Gamifi-ED. In 10th grade, we did the H&R Block Budget Simulation, "Invented" a new convergence item, learned how to photoshop, and built an app. I built Manage Your Money.

Portfolio of Work

In the Arab-Israeli Conflict simulator or otherwise known as AIC, I was the prime minister of Turkey, Tayyip Erdogan. I played an influential role and an important role in mediating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During the time of this simulator, I learned much more about the Middle East, than I would have been studying a textbook and taking a test on it. AIC allowed me to experience the conflict, and allowed me to make decisions to influence the conflict to go one way or another. Being allowed to participate in AIC was a huge honor, and it has allowed me to learn a vast amount of information on the Middle Eastern affairs.  


My class presented in the Global Education Conference, where we presented on our experience in AIC. 


I am speaking from 16:10-19:05 and from 39:21-40:49.

Arab-Israeli Conflict 

Gamifi-Ed Project

Gamifi-ED is a huge project that started in early 2014. In the beginning it was just the class of 2017 at Westwood Schools, and some people from the University of Alaska. Now it has broadened and is still including many other classes. I was the project manager and one of the main leaders for Gamifi-ED. I did several reviews on serious games. 


We also did a Serious Games Smackdown. Which was a live presentation to Youtube via Google Hangout, where my class presented on two or three serious games each, and a description of the games. We also talked about the roles we played in making Gamifi-ED a success.  

H&R Block Budget Challenge

We participated in this simulation. This simulated us as people with jobs who have just graduated from college. We must select our vendors, pay taxes and bills, and select our 401K percentage. My class placed in the top 20 in the simulation. This was a grand achievement. Overall, this was a great simulation, and I highly reccomend it to people to gain experience for the future. Since our clas did so well, we recieved a check for $2,500.

Convergence Video

In my computer science class, we had to make a convergence item. Basically, we had to "Make" an item that combines two or three other items together. We made a trailer depicting our item that we thought of. 

I "Invented" the Fab-File, a technology integrated filing cabinet that could automatically select your files with the touch of a button. My trailer is on the right. 

App Project

You can learn all about my app, Manage Your Money, in the page "App Project".


In computer science, I finally learned how to photoshop. I have been wanting to learn to photoshop for a long time. Now, since I know how to photoshop, it is a great asset whenever I do projects. To the right is one of my photoshop projects. We were assigned to put our faces on actors in movie posters. 

Above is the original movie poster. 

Above is my photoshop edit.

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